Professional Development → Instructional Design Series

Instructional Design with Rigor in Mind, Part 3: Planning for Daily Instruction

In this 3-part series, participants will learn how to identify the depth and rigor of critical TEKS, as well as design assessments, instruction, and activities aligned to the TEKS.

This course has a required time duration of 2.5 hours and timestamps your progression in each section, lesson, assignment, and submission. Users have 14 days to complete this course from the day of registration.

CPE Credit Hours: 2.5

  • Introduction
  • Lesson 0.1: An Introduction: Instructional Design with Rigor in Mind, Part 3
  • Reflection
  • Planning for Daily Instruction
  • Lesson 1.1: Planning for Learning
  • Upload: Calendaring
  • Lesson 1.2: Planning for Learning
  • Objectives Check for Understanding
  • Lesson 1.3: Planning for Learning
  • Upload: One Purposefully Aligned Week
  • Lesson 2.1: Teaching for Understanding
  • Teaching for Understanding Reflection 1
  • Lesson 2.2: Teaching for Understanding
  • Refection 2 and Upload: Teaching for Understanding.
  • Lesson 2.3: Teaching for Understanding
  • Upload: Aligning Teacher and Student Moves
  • Lesson 3.1: Student Engagement
  • Student Engagement Reflection 1
  • Student Engagement Article Reflection
  • Lesson 3.2: Student Engagement
  • Upload: Planning for Student Engagement
  • Completing the Course
  • Notetaking Guide Upload
  • Instructional Design Final Exam
  • Course Evaluation
  • Acknowledgements and Certification
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever