Professional Development → All Student Learning Series

Understanding Gifted Learners

Understanding Gifted Learners is a comprehensive six-hour course designed to fulfill the 6-hour update requirement for Texas teachers, administrators, and counselors. This course provides educators with in-depth insights into the unique characteristics and needs of gifted and talented learners. Through engaging content and practical examples, participants will explore best practices for identifying, understanding, and supporting gifted students in diverse educational settings. Topics include the nature of gifted learners, their social-emotional learning (SEL) needs, and the Texas GT education requirements and service options for serving gifted students. By completing this course, educators will gain valuable knowledge and skills to effectively nurture the potential of gifted learners in their classrooms.

This course has a required time duration of 6 hours and timestamps your progression in each section, lesson, assignment, and submission. You have 30 days to complete this course from the day of registration. You will be required to upload your Notetaking Guide at the end of the course.

CPE Credit Hours: 6

  • Lesson 0.1 Understanding Gifted Learners: Introduction
  • Course Expectations
  • Navigating Gifted and Talented Education in Texas
  • Lesson 1.1 Understanding Texas Regulations for Gifted and Talented Education
  • Legislative Framework Knowledge Check
  • Reflection: Legal Framework
  • Lesson 1.2 Understanding the Texas State Plan
  • Using the Texas State Plan
  • Texas State Plan Scavenger Hunt
  • Reflection: Using the Texas State Plan
  • Lesson 1.3 Identifying Gifted Students in Texas
  • Domains of Giftedness Knowledge Check
  • Lesson 1.4 Services and Programming for Gifted Students
  • Services and Programming Knowledge Check
  • Lesson 1.5 Professional Development
  • Reflection: Professional Development
  • Lesson 1.6 Monitoring and Compliance
  • Reflection: Monitoring and Compliance
  • Lesson-2.1 Introduction to Service Options for Gifted Learners
  • Services Reflection
  • Lesson 2.2 Exploring Services Based on Content
  • Services Based on Content Knowledge Check
  • Lesson 2.3 Exploring Service Options Based on Process
  • Services Based on Process Knowledge Check
  • Lesson 2.4 Exploring Service Options Based on Product
  • Services Based on Products Knowledge Check
  • Lesson 2.5 Selecting Appropriate Service Options
  • Case Study: Selecting Services
  • Reflection
  • The Nature of Gifted Learners
  • Lesson 3.1 The Characteristics of Gifted Learners
  • Case Studies in Giftedness
  • Lesson 3.2 Asynchrony of Gifted Learners
  • Asynchrony Strategies
  • Asynchrony Knowledge Check
  • Lesson 3.3 Supporting Gifted Students with Special Needs
  • Case Studies in Supporting Gifted Students with Special Needs
  • Lesson 3.4 Screening Out Gifted Learners
  • Screening Out Gifted Learners Quiz
  • The Needs of Gifted Learners
  • Lesson 4.1 Understanding the Social Emotional Needs of Gifted Learners
  • Empowering Brilliance
  • Lesson 4.2.A Key SEL Competencies and Strategies for Gifted Learners
  • Lesson 4.2.B Effective SEL Strategies for Gifted Learners
  • How will you use SEL Competencies and Strategies for Gifted Learners?
  • Lesson 4.3.A Best Practices for Supporting SEL in Gifted Learners
  • Lesson 4.3.B Best Practices for Supporting SEL in Gifted Learners at Home
  • Best Practices
  • Lesson 4.4 Effective Counseling Strategies & Practices for GT Programs
  • Teamwork
  • Emotional Resilience
  • Completing the Course
  • Notetaking Guide Upload
  • Final Exam - Understanding Gifted Learners
  • Course Evaluation
  • Acknowledgement and Certification
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever