Professional Development → College and Career Advising

TSI for Teachers

In this course, teachers will identify the importance and structure of the TSI test and explore classroom strategies to support student success.

This course has a required time duration of 2 hours and timestamps your progression in each section, lesson, assignment, and submission. Users will have 10 days to complete the course from the day of registration.

CPE Credit Hours: 2

  • Lesson 0.1 TSI for Teachers: Introduction
  • Lesson 1 - Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Overview
  • Reflection 1- Texas Success Initiative (TSI)
  • Lesson 2- Mathematics
  • Reflection 2: TSIA2 Mathematics
  • Lesson 3- ELAR
  • Reflection 3: TSIA2 ELAR
  • Lesson 4: Essay
  • Reflection 4: TSIA2 Essay
  • Notetaking Guide Upload
  • TSI for Teachers Final
  • Course Survey
  • TSI for Teachers Acknowledgement Statement
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever