Professional Development → MOVE Series

MOVE Behavior Management, Part 1: Introduction to Behavior Management


Participants will explore the principles of behavior management to increase motivation, engagement, and rigor in the classroom. Objectives include understanding the scientific principles of behavior and motivation, exploring strategies to increase expectancy and value in the classroom, and identifying strategies to maximize classroom space and proximity. This is a foundational course and a prerequisite for other MOVE courses.

This course has a required time duration of 2 hours and timestamps your progression in each section, lesson, assignment, and submission. Users have 10 days to complete this course from the day of registration.

CPE Credit Hours: 2

  • Introduction
  • Lesson 0.1 An Introduction: Move Behavior Management Part 1
  • Lesson 1: The Science of Behavior Management
  • 1.1 MOVE The Science of Behavior Management
  • How can you increase expectancy in your classroom?
  • 1.2 MOVE The Science of Behavior Management
  • Strategies to increase value in the classroom
  • Reflection on the Science of Behavior Management
  • Lesson 2: The Two Wins
  • 2.1 Know the Two Wins Part 1
  • Every Opportunity to Learn Reflection
  • How does your district compare?
  • How do out of school suspensions affect the two wins?
  • 2.2 Know the Two Wins Part 2
  • Lesson 3: Mastering your Affect
  • Developing Relationships Strategies
  • 3.1 Mastering Your Affect
  • Oahu vs. Amarillo
  • 7-4-8 Breathing Exercise
  • Lesson 4: Taking Command
  • 4.1 Taking Command
  • Attention Signal
  • Lesson 5: Perpetual Proximity
  • 5.1 Planning for Perpetual Proximity
  • How will you use perpetual proximity in your classroom?
  • Lesson 6: Maximizing Your Physical Space
  • 6.1 MOVE Maximize Your Physical Space
  • Your Current Classroom
  • Draw your classroom layout and upload it.
  • Benefits and Limitations of Your Layout
  • Completing the Course
  • Notetaking Guide Upload
  • Upload Your Behavior Management Plan
  • MOVE Behavior Management,Part 1-Final Exam
  • Course Survey
  • Acknowledgements and Certification
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever